Post-Christmas Talking
Well, the holiday period was quite good.
Matt’s family are fun to hang out with, and we played a lot of games.
I was given a new digital camera (yay!) so now I can post pictures on here again. I bet you’re all thrilled about that.
Playing with the camera on the train home…

That was taken shortly before we were stranded in Inverkeithing railway station for an hour, as someone had got themselves hit by a freight train on the Forth Rail Bridge, and no trains were crossing it. Despite the rail staff being less than helpful (in fact, completely useless, including hiding from us when we tried to find out what the hell was going on), we eventually managed to wedge ourselves onto a minibus with twenty other people and finally got into Edinburgh.
I then managed to injure myself at the supermarket – I caught my leg on a metal spike thing sticking out of a tiered stand by the door. It was bloody painful, and I was bleeding. I was with my parents, so my dad went and told the kid at the customer service desk that it should be moved. That was fine. My mum then went up and started loudly saying “My daughter has a hole in her leg! She’s bleeding!” etc, etc. I just backed away from her.
I’m 26. I wish she wouldn’t still do that sort of thing.
Anyway, more photos. I should probably read the manual as opposed to just fiddling with the settings.
Shots of the attractions in Princes Street Gardens. Some of them are weird. The photos, not the shows. Although some of them are odd, too.

This one’s oddly spooky.

Messing with dark and light.

My friend Dave linked me to this, which I have seen before, but I love it and will happily watch it multiple times.