Sunday, June 24, 2012

On clothes

I was reading a blog yesterday of a woman who felt that clothing is something to have fun with. Now, I can get behind that - it's pretty much my entire philosophy of clothing, as can be attested to by my ridiculously large collection of clothes, footwear and jewellery.

But as I read on, I became a bit more... thoughtful about it. This woman and her husband are clearly very well off, and she fully admits that most of her clothes are from one designer.

I don't begrudge her the love of clothes, or the fact she can afford designer togs, but I was wondering whether she had the thrill of the chase that I do. And whether one can really call it costumery if you are simply buying the latest collection from the same designer each season.

Being a veteran of 'cheap chic', I love browsing the charity shops and cheap high-street chains. I enjoy knowing that it'll be seldom that I find something great, but the thrill when I do is a wonderful thing. I'd love to have the money for more expensive stuff, but I don't.

So... what do you think? Just a difference of opinion? Am I being dreadfully narrow-minded? Should I just celebrate the fact that both of us, no matter what, enjoy clothing?

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At 6:55 pm, Blogger Shawna said...

I think the both of you just enjoy clothes and have fun with them in your own ways. But I also think your way is more fun! lol

At 7:09 pm, Blogger Truthful reviewer said...

It is nice she can afford the look and it is good that both of you can dress the way you want money or not. However, I have to say if you were a millionaire I think you would still be going through charity shops looking for the unique piece. I am like with cufflinks- it is the thrill of spending time to find that thing that bit different rather than just walking into a shop to get them. However if I was a millionaire I would just hire you as my cufflinkmakeydesignerpersoninresidence.

At 10:02 pm, Anonymous Oppiejoe said...

I wear them because I am supposed to... *giggle*

I to this day still haunt the VOA & Goodwill shops for discount clothes.

At 11:50 pm, Blogger Nettie said...

I agree with Jungle Monkey - I'm sure if you were a millionaire you'd still try to find those unique pieces. Having said that, I'm not saying you also *wouldn't* buy other things from higher end businesses that you also fell in love with.

A friend of mine works at a high market 'adventure' clothing store and one lady the other day bought $1500 worth of clothes (AFTER the sale discount had been applied). I was flabbergasted when she told me about it, more so when I learned that this woman had only walked away with 8 pieces of clothing! I felt bad that the other day I forked out $130 on two skirts and a pair of ankle boots from an overseas website because you just can't get that style of clothing here. If I had been able to find it here, the short skirt alone would have been $130.

Not too sure where I was going with that story...ah well. I like stories.


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