Sunday, December 03, 2006

Oh, just for the record...

accipiter said...
Well, there's not really much I can say about this. It's you who determines what you think of yourself, so it's up to you to decide who and what you are.
oppiejoe said...
I have found that the less importance I place on other people's opinions about myself, the better handle I have on the things I do.

That's one of my problems. My entire self-image is made up of what other people think of me. Healthy? No. I know that. It doesn't make it less true.

smerk said...
Just remember, there's a whole bunch of us willing to travel half-way across the world for you!
I know. And you'll never appreciate how worthy that made me feel.

Ok, I'll stop posting until I have actual updates. I'm now just airing my nutjobness.



At 4:59 am, Blogger Charybdis said...

You know we love you, although considering who we are that's probably not a good thing. :-P


At 2:12 pm, Blogger oppiejoe said...

Just because you place other peoples opinions above your own right now doesn't mean it always has to be that way... people can change and do change every day. You may not have the motivation to right now, but learning to place more value on your inner self and to love yourself can help to liberate you from those voices sweetie...

we love you regardless of your foibles and idiosyncrasies

At 10:47 pm, Blogger Amy said...

Your nutjobness is what we love about you though!

At 6:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you because of your foibles and idiosyncrasies, actually!

You'd be so boring if you were normal like. . .ummmm. . .like. . .I'm sure that I know somebody who's normal. . .

At 2:09 pm, Blogger oppiejoe said...

Thanks Acci... That's what I meant to say.

*hangs head*


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