Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last Days

On the 6th, Nettie made pancakes.

We had quite a quiet day around the house.

Then we went round to Rowenna's for a barbecue. We thought it might rain, so we sort of draped a broken gazebo cover thing over the shed and fence. It did not rain. But Matt and Christian loyally cooked sausages in a giant tent anyway.

On the Saturday - Nettie and Christian's last full day - we didn't do an awful lot. We went for a final wander around town, and Nettie made sure to do a lot of Zeph snurgling.
Uh... yeah. Flattened mouse.

We sat around in Princes Street Gardens for a while. Zeph was looking chavtastic (I'm not entirely sure why) in his baseball cap.

I don't know this lady. I just thought it was a really nice shot.

Matt looks like he was saying "Well, you threw it..."

Zeph loves Nettie. And she loves him.

As it got on towards dinner time, we headed up to the Meadows, picking up some takeaway pizzas on the way.

And then we played on the kids' park.

I snuck into the bathroom that night to take a picture of the smiley toothbrush holders. That's not weird, right?

Then, on Sunday the 8th... *sigh*
We headed through to Glasgow.

Had some brunch (we had a flag).

Scared and were attacked by a baby.

Took some photos, and said our goodbyes.

Matt and I miss Nettie and Christian, but we're still in contact with them, of course, and we're planning to make it over there for 2012. And we have great memories from their visit.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Monsters Are Coming!

This post is for my friend David (Hi, David!) who wanted a rundown on the Doctor Who Live show we went to see. Also, he steadfastly refuses to go on Facebook, so...

Ok, setting the scene. Matt and I went to Glasgow at lunchtime, pottered about a bit, and had some lunch.


Matt was drinking his Coke out of a semi-formed ice cube. Don't ask me why.


How swarthy do I look in comparison to Matt? We had stamped our hands to show the Judoon that we had already been categorised.

We were both wearing our Dalek t-shirts. A lady on the train had said to us "Are you going to the show?" When we said yes, she said "I went yesterday. It was amazing!" And then we looked around, and there did seem to be quite a few DW-themed clothing items on people in the carriage.

Now to the show!

The show's full title is Doctor Who Live: The Monsters Are Coming. Quick synopsis goes like this: our host, an intergalactic showman named Vorgenson, and the Doctor's biggest fan, has invented The Minimiser, in which he has trapped a range of the Doctor's enemies (and also the Judoon, who don't really count as enemies). He can keep them there, and bring them out during his shows to thrill his audiences. By pulling Winston Churchill forward in time, he manages to lure the Doctor to his show. Then he traps him in the Minimiser. The Doctor must escape the prison, and find out who is the shadowy force behind Vorgenson's plans.

I must admit that about 90% of my photos look something like this. But I've dug out what I can. I am sad to admit that I don't have any photos of the Silurians (last seen in The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood), Judoon (last seen in The End of Time / The Pandorica Opens), Smilers and Liz 10 (The Beast Below), or the Saturnyne Sisterhood (The Vampires of Venice),

There was a choir that sometimes turned up on stage along with the orchestra. And on the left in this picture is a woman who was playing the most awesome cello.

Very British. This is when Winston Churchill popped up.

When the Weeping Angels (Blink, The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone) appeared on stage, and on the screen as the video loop, there was a big commotion at the back of the arena, where some 'police' came bursting in. And of course, everyone turned to look. And that's when the Angels moved for the first time.

When the various species were introduced, they often entered from the back of the arena, and spent some time freaking out unsuspecting members of the audience. It was shown up on the big screen over the stage, so you could see small children (hopefully not literally) crapping themselves with fear. When the Smilers and Liz 10 showed up, I whispered to Matt "They'd better not come near me. I fucking HATE the Smilers." At which, Matt pointed to the one standing three rows behind us. *shudder*
The Scarecrows (Human Nature / Family of Blood) were very well done.

Accidentally arty-farty shot of the Clockwork Robots (The Girl in the Fireplace).

Cybermen! This was very nicely scripted. They are a lot scarier in the flesh... er... metal than they are on TV, and they were marching through the audience. Then they pulled a man from the audience (clearly he was part of the show), marched him up on to the stage, and shoved him through a doorway to be 'upgraded', at which point there were horrible screeching noises and showers of sparks. And then a new Cyberman marched out. Pretty damn cool.

SPOILER! It was the Daleks behind the plan all along! Surprise!

The Doctor showed up only in specially filmed video clips.

Strategist, Drone, Scientist, Eternal (Victory of the Daleks).

How do you stop the Daleks? Cybermen with Anti-Dalekanium plasma bolts!

Hooray! Everything's ok!

Aww, crap. Flying Supreme Dalek.

It was an awesome show. I don't think Matt even blinked or breathed throughout the first half, and not just because of the Weeping Angels.

Giant peacock on the way back to the station.

Vintage sewing machines!

WTF, phone? I realise I'd pressed the wrong button, but 'apesnod'?

All in all, it was the best day out we've had in ages. And the show was... well, the show was apesnod indeed.

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