Sunday, April 29, 2007

Matt, me, and a restaurant review.

Sorry, it's been ages since my last post.

Yesterday was my and Matt's sixth wedding anniversary. It's really weird. I don't feel like it's been that long. It was a good day, and I am constantly amazed that I get to be married to this guy who I love, who's my best friend, and who's incredibly sexy.

So we went out for dinner after watching Doctor Who (and man, that was a good episode). We went to Barioja, which is a lovely tapas place just off the Royal Mile.

As usual when we go there, we ended up eating about my bodyweight. We ordered patatas bravas (fried potatoes with paprika-ey sauce), calamari, peppers stuffed with crab, tortilla, cheese dumplings, chorizo in cider sauce, black pudding with onions, and chickeney croquettes. So very delicious. The restaurant was packed, and it took them nearly an hour to get the food to us, but it was worth the wait. They also do huge glasses of wine. It was a good thing we ordered so much food, actually, to help temper the effect of a glass of wine that was 1/3 of a bottle on an empty stomach.

As per usual, the staff were slightly ineffective, but very nice.

It was a fabulous evening.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

The Bee Gees Vs. The Harlequin

Well, it's here. It's online. It made me laugh until I cried.

This is the masterpiece that Matt, Mouse, her husband, my brothers and I have created. It may be the best film in the entire universe*.

Now, we decided to make this film on the Friday night, shot it all between then and Sunday early afternoon, and spent under £10 on props - ties, red felt for the blood pools, and the disco accessory trio-combo as seen in the 'relaxation' scene (see if you can spot all three!)

In case there was wondering... I suggested that Matt, Huw and Chris looked like the Bee Gees and then it just sort of developed into them being the Bee Gees in the film. Every now and again one of them would ask "But... why are we the Bee Gees?" I'd say "Just because. Now shhh. Let's practice the swagger some more. One, two, three, four, GO!"

*Providing you don't mind the slightly shoddy acting, the terrible continuity, and the fact Dave only had two Bee Gees tracks to lay over it...

It was, I have to say, the MOST fun to film.

Many thanks to Joe for sending me the Harlequin in the first place, and therefore sparking the whole idea.

And no, I didn't choose to be featured. I did a lot of the behind-the-camera stuff instead.

Ok, no more waiting...

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Monday, April 09, 2007


I'm not religious. I'm also not superstitious. However, I do like the idea of the Trickster.

I have a new laptop. This is a very good thing. I am allergic to the metal area around the touchpad. It brings me up in rashes. This is not a good thing. But I do find it very funny.
I have to wear my 'laptop gauntlets' when on the computer. They're very stylish.
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In other news, the weather's been pretty nice recently. Some pictures of Holyrood Park and Arthur's Seat in the sunshine, being unreasonably pretty.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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And from the other hill near-ish our house.
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And here: I has feets.
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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pets on film.

Pretty much just what the title said.
Whit dancing, Hastings being curious about things, Hobble being squint, and finally RATSTRAVAGANZA with enforced grooming of Hob by Hastings.

(Sorry, Acci, you may not be able to see much of this post.)
The videos are a bit dark, I warn you now.

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