Monday, February 02, 2009

It's all about me, baby.

I have come to the conclusion that it's ridiculous for me to be a photographer, albeit an amateur one, with a camera phobia.

I love taking photographs, I'm always pootling around with my camera, but over the last few years I have developed a problem. I hate having my picture taken. I get all awkward when someone tries to photograph me, and that makes me tense up, and THAT makes me look fecking awful in pictures.
I didn't have this problem before, and it's one I need to get over.

So, with that in mind, I have started to take pictures of myself. Yeah, a lot are rubbish (I don't really have a lumpy forehead, like the indoor ones suggest), but that doesn't matter.

Oh yeah, and my husband is a hottie.

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At 9:41 pm, Blogger Charybdis said...

"Wasn't that lump on the other side?"

"What lump?"

At 9:42 pm, Blogger Mouse said...

See, there are photos of you and the universe hasn't imploded! ;-P

At 10:33 pm, Blogger Acci said...

The hair! The hair! Aaiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

At 6:25 pm, Blogger Shawna said...

Very nice! My favorites are the second black and white, and the second color ones. Now you just have to let other people take them of you! ;)

At 4:06 am, Blogger Nettie said...

I think you look gorgeous hun *hugs*


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