Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sad, depressing, annoying and good.

Sad: Paisley died on Saturday. Strange that I had so much affection for someone (mouselike) who never came out and played. I'm very upset. I think I'm cried out, though. *sigh*

Depressing: I was talking to a guy (whom I don't even like, and was being polite and making conversation with) on Friday night, then all of a sudden he said "Flora, you're tedious and boring and that's why people don't like you." All I could do was gape. Knowing what people think of him, I suspect projecting of his own neuroses. But, on the other hand, maybe I am boring and tedious.

Annoying: They keep doing fixing work on the railway line at the back of our garden. It's very irritating, and makes it hard to get to sleep.

Good: My sister got me three books by Lynne Truss as a belated birthday present.


At 12:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Paisley. *hugs*

Ignore the asshat at the work party. He obviously doesn't know you as we do.

At 1:13 pm, Blogger Hieronymous Anonymous said...


And as Nettie was saying, if there's going to be a mob of us, we should behave like a mob...

At 4:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we certainly don't find you tedious at all. And we outnumber him, so his opinion is over-ruled. Now go kick him with your mighty boots.

At 7:16 pm, Blogger LaMa said...

Awww, so sorry about Paisley...
* very big hug *

And that guy is just a Dork.
Give me his address and I'll teach him a lesson...


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