Monday, November 21, 2005

Books, bears and blogs...

Well, goodness me, I love charity shops. Some of my very favourite books have been ones I happened to pick up because they looked interesting.

Want to Play? by P.J. Tracy is one of these. I only bought it on Saturday. Matt had nipped to the cashline, leaving me alone in the book department of a charity shop.
Now, I would have thought that that was unwise, but there you go.

Anyway, I picked it up, and by the time Matt got back, I had finished the first chapter. It was £2.40, which is quite expensive for a charity shop book, but well worth it. I also found a Janet Evanovich that I hadn't read, and an Agatha Christie which I know I have owned at some point, but my mother borrowed and never gave back.

Some great lines from my much-beloved World's Wildest Police Videos.
Car chase on a highway:
"They have to stop this speeding desperado before an innocent bystander gets caught in the crossfire."
I don't know. Something about the whole lack of bystanders or firing of any kind made me doubt the veracity of the statement.
And my favourite one from last night:
"Not only is he loaded with booze, he's loaded for bear."

The International Sleepover blog.

There are Blue Fairies on the moon!


At 12:25 pm, Blogger Nettie said...

'Loaded for bear'???

At 1:09 pm, Blogger Hieronymous Anonymous said...

I think it meant he had a gun and stuff and was all set to go hunting...
But whadda I know about that sort of thing?

At 2:00 pm, Blogger Nettie said...

Is that Blur Fairy thing supposed to serious??? It's quite disturbing...

At 2:15 pm, Blogger Hieronymous Anonymous said...

Ha! No, it's a parody of certain types of thinking to do with unscientific paranormal beliefs.

At 3:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Loaded for bear" is an American expression, meaning something along the lines of he's equipped and ready for anything (often rather excessively equipped, in fact). So I'm assuming that in this context, the guy might have had tons of guns and ammo and stuff.

At 12:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Americans are strange...

At 4:14 pm, Blogger Hieronymous Anonymous said...

Is this a bad time to point out that the URL mentions the word 'funnies' and is a skepticreport page?


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