Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oh, Edinburgh, why do I love thee so?

One of the reasons is this - the great architecture. It's fuckin' grand.

All of these photographs were taken from George IV Bridge - they're of buildings on the bridge itself, and those on either side. This is, literally, a 250 foot stretch of road.

NOTE: The Elephant House is included pretty much only for the reason that it's where J.K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter. Also, my camera batteries ran out before I could get a picture of the Bedlam Theatre (yet another ex-church).

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At 9:33 pm, Blogger MadCarlotta said...

Oh man, I'm jealous!

At 6:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We used to have some fairly impressive buildings here, going back to the 1600's or so. That was before the Great Fire of Eighteen Eighty-Something, though, that left a total of seven buildings standing in town (literally).

So now nearly everything around here is only a little over a century old at most.

At 5:22 pm, Blogger Shawna said...

Nice pics, I am so very very jealous! If I ever have money, I plan to visit!

At 12:14 am, Blogger Nettie said...

Awww, I miss that place so much :(

At 3:27 am, Blogger Tah said...

Wow. Nice pictures and great buildings.

I wwanted to be an architect when I was young. Why, because Mr. Brady was one, that's why!

At 2:57 pm, Blogger NEO said...

I thought you liked it for all the rain and cold.
Anyway, nice pictures and buildings. I wish buildings were still built like this, but I suppose it is too expensive. So they throw up a steel building with that crappy stucco like stuff on the outside. So sad.

At 8:22 pm, Blogger Chris said...

I don't think that the Elephant House was the cafe where the first Harry Potter was written. It was in fact written in a cafe called Nicholsons which was on South Bridge (Now a Chinese Buffet Restaurant - jast above the black medicine coffee place)


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